The Business Equation Podcast

The Power of Positive Visualization w/ Nick Bogacz

Nick Bogacz Episode 94

EPISODE SUMMARY: Positively visualizing your goals, your desires, and where you want to be in life is the first critical step in the process. It's been talked about time and time again on this podcast with every guest who has picked up a mic because the most successful entrepreneurs understand nothing will happen until their mindset is fully aligned with their goals and visions.

In Episode 94 of The Business Equation Podcast, I'm bringing you a special message in solo format about the power of positive visualization. It took me many years of hard work, consistent effort, and, above all else, visualizing what I wanted and keeping the mindset it would take to get me there in tact.

From reading books to practicing strategies found within 'The Secret' and 'Think and Grow Rich' to imagining my work uniform for other companies was actually my own, my road to success certainly wasn't paved overnight. But what you'll find in today's show is how I put positive visualization to work in my world and how it continues to drive the accomplishments I achieve, both personally and professionally.

Questions for Nick? Hit him up at!

Nick is a published author! Click here to check out his book, The Pizza Equation: Slicing Up How to Run a Successful Pizza Enterprise.

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MUSIC CREDIT: Theme music for The Business Equation Podcast - Never Forget by Gareth Johnson & Chris Bussey, via